Our Preparation for Childbirth classes focus on providing practical skills for both the birthing mother and her support person to optimise the labour and birth experience.
Our classes are run by Mel, our resident expert on all things birthing, who birthed her own three sons and who is passionate about changing the narrative about labour from one of apprehension/fear to one of confidence and positivity.
We strongly encourage support partners to attend the classes. This class is focused on women who are planning a vaginal delivery, but we also offer a specialised ‘one on one’ session for women planning a Caesarean section.
Preparation for childbirth classes have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety for women and their support partners, improve satisfaction with the childbirth experience, enhance social support with other mothers and reduce the need for pain relieving medication during labour.
Preparation for childbirth classes are run on a Saturday morning commencing at 8:45am, running until 12:30pm. The Cost of this class is $160.
2024 Calendar Dates
- 13th January
- 10th February
- 16th March
- 13th April
- 11th May
- 15th June
- 20th July
- 17th August
- 14th September
- 12th October
- 9th November
- 7th December
Preparation for childbirth: Individual session (One On One)
We also offer a one on one session for those that are unable to attend the Saturday course. This runs for one hour and is a condensed version of the course. Material covered is mainly theoretical and does not include a practical component. This session is tailored to suit the individual and provides the opportunity to speak to the physiotherapist one on one. Reading materials are provided. The cost is $125.00.
Preparation for Caesarean: Individual session (One On One)
For those who are having an elective Caesarean we can offer a 40 min specialised one on one session. This information includes recovering from a Caesarean delivery, pelvic floor education, back care and exercise during pregnancy. The cost of this is $95.00.
The one on one sessions are available Monday to Friday.
You may be eligible for private health rebate on all of these options depending on your level of cover. It is best to contact your private health fund with any questions regarding rebates.